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Client’s Fundraiser Grew 200% with These Tips!

Last Friday night, a Miracle Strategies client raised $70,000 during an annual event that grossed $22,000 last year.

If you’ve been reading my blog for anytime, you’re familiar with this advice: “Take What You’re Already Doing and Grow It.

That’s exactly what they did. If you’ll use just two or three of these strategies, you will see growth. Imagine what will happen if your committee agrees to all six!

Enhance the Name and Change the Location

This event rebranded itself The Lifetime Legacies Ball. The organization had an elegant logo designed, featuring the new name. They also changed the location so the audience would know from the get-go to expect an evening unlike any in the past.

Stretch Sponsor Levels and Ensure the Right People Make the Right Asks

This year, my client received their first $10,000 Presenting Sponsorship. The ask was made by a friend and client of the business owner, who, himself, is connected to the school. The benefits provided were visible, meaningful, and results-oriented.

Feature Deserving Honorees

The Ball featured two honors whose devotion to the school has been unwavering. One honoree was an entire family, my first experience like this, and I loved it! Because four generations have been involved, it was the perfect decision.

Each honoree was featured in a personalized video and received an engraved keepsake, another tradition to continue.

Introduce On-line Fundraising…slowly

For many years, the organization had funded their raffle with a blend of raffle money and ticket sales. When the focus turned to funding the mission, the committee needed to find a way for the 50-50 raffle to fund itself.

They chose RallyUp. By the time the computer-generated winner was announced, they had raised over $6,000!

Fund an Intentional Need

This committee was intentional – and very conservative – in launching their first ever Fund a Need.

As I predicted, hands went up quickly, and the 25 tablets requested by the elementary classes were quickly bought. In fact, the inspired guests kept giving and by the morning after, the school had funding for 46!

Print Invitations. Mail with a remittance card. And, make tickets available on the web, too.

One morning, I received a text photo of a $1000 donation from a new donor who couldn’t attend but wanted to support the honorees by becoming a Friend! He had mailed his gift in our remittance envelope.

Sure, printing is an expense, and segmenting large lists is important. However, you will be happily surprised when you print your lovely invitation and include a remittance card and envelope.

I also heard this story: A grandmother who couldn’t attend used the envelope to donate $2,500 to the capital campaign. Her daughter said, “The invitation reminded her that she’d meant to send a check.”

Here’s a bonus tip: Place extra donor cards on all tables. This also paid off far more than the printing costs.

Finally, as all fundraisers already know, events can never be replaced by major donors. In fact, most events – this one included – are beloved by major donors who feel inspired, motivated, and impassioned by what they see and hear.

Go ahead now. Double that revenue and share how you did it!

Want a professional perspective on your project? Contact Phoenicia.

Watch a sample of her work here!

Discover more simple, experience-based fundraising tips, by Clicking Here.

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